Manufacturing centers for technologies and medical equipment

International Economic Association (IEA) for the manufacturing of orthotics of high international standard
Technological modernization of the Cuban industry for the manufacturing of orthopedic devices that allow the increase of its production to the highest level of world standards.
Contact: National Center of Technical Orthopedics (CNOT)
Mail: dircnot@infomed.sld.cu Tel: (+53) 52115815
Contact: National Center of Technical Orthopedics (CNOT)
Mail: dircnot@infomed.sld.cu Tel: (+53) 52115815

Technological investment in the ORTOP-RALCA® industries of the International Orthopedic Scientific Complex "Frank País", for the manufacturing of implants and surgical instruments
To establish a manufacturing center of excellence, with state-of-the-art technology and international quality standards, specialized in the development, research and production of implants and surgical instruments, used in orthopedic surgery, for use in the national health system and for the export of services.
Contact: International Orthopedic Scientific Complex "Frank País"
Mail: direccionfp@infomed.sld.cu Tel.: (+53) 72603361 / 72503143
Contact: International Orthopedic Scientific Complex "Frank País"
Mail: direccionfp@infomed.sld.cu Tel.: (+53) 72603361 / 72503143

International Economic Association for Service Management for the recovery of medical equipment, surgical instruments and rigid optics
To create a center for specialized development of medical technology that carries out activities aimed at the development of science and technique, applied to the solution of breakages and failures, as well as the recovery of medical equipment, surgical instruments of minimum access and rigid optics, thus promoting the benefit of the national health system and exporting services and products to other countries.
Contact: Comercializadora De Servicios Médicos Cubanos S.A. (CSMC, S.A.)
Mail: smc@smcsalud.cu Tel.: (+53) 72031590 / 72065380 / 72090977
Contact: Comercializadora De Servicios Médicos Cubanos S.A. (CSMC, S.A.)
Mail: smc@smcsalud.cu Tel.: (+53) 72031590 / 72065380 / 72090977