Travel Guide
The country is a very safe travel destination with a network of infrastructure and tourist accommodations throughout the island. The capital, Havana, through the international airport "José Martí as the main border", is the most touristic city, and it is also where most of the medical tourism offer is located. Other cities of interest are Santiago de Cuba, in the eastern part of the island, and the tourist centers of Varadero and Trinidad, the former closer to Havana and the latter in the central area.
Its population exceeds 11 million inhabitants and the official language is Spanish, although English is also spoken in the tourism sector.
Cuba is known for its Latin and Afro-American culture, beautiful landscapes and white sandy beaches. Its population has a high level of education and health is universal, public and free for its citizens.
Telephone services and Internet connection can be purchased at ETECSA points of sale, in the International Medical Care (AMI) and in the International Clinics, where it is possible to communicate through the WhatsApp platform. Electricity is 110 volts with flat pins.
For more information on the destination, please visit www.cubatravel.cu.
In order to enroll in Cuban universities, applicants must present the following documents duly legalized by Cuban diplomatic representations abroad:
(a) Photocopy of the high school, baccalaureate or equivalent degree and the academic transcription, for validation and further studies.
b) Health declaration, including that he/she does not carry contagious diseases and specifically the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), as well as disabling physical or mental impairments for the exercise of the profession to which he/she aspires. In case of women, non-pregnancy certificate is required
c) Ten (10) photos, 1x1 inches.
d) Document certifying that he/she does not have a criminal record.
e) Birth certificate.
f) Confirmation of admission to the career, issued by the remittent university that approved it.
g) Receipt of payment corresponding to the amount of the established fees.
h) Cuban Health Insurance. It must be purchased from the health insurance company ASISTUR and can be obtained previously or the week after arrival in Cuba. If the student already has insurance, he/she can bring it and ASISTUR will determine if it is valid and/or compatible or not with the ones offered by the company. The insurance price will be determined by age, sex, medical conditions, etc.
To obtain the health insurance established by the Cuban state, the cost must be coordinated with the company ASISTUR, through the website: http://www.asistur.cu/.
ASISTUR's contacts are:
ADDRESS: Paseo del Prado, No. 2018, between Trocadero and Colón.
E-mail: asisten@asistur.cu / asistur@asistur.cu
Tel.: (53-7) 866 4499 / 866 8920 / 866 8339 / 867 1314 / 867 1315
FAX: (53-7) 866 8087
II. Information for post-graduate students
In order to enroll in Cuban universities, applicants must present the following documents:
a) Photocopy of the Professional Degree duly legalized by the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in the country of origin.
Foreign citizens who have not obtained their higher education degree in a Cuban center and are interested in enrolling in an academic postgraduate program, must submit the original degree, legalized by the Cuban Embassy in the country where it was obtained, legalize it at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba and then present it to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Higher Education for recognition or validation. This is a requirement to be accepted as a student in the program. If necessary, an official translation into Spanish, also legalized, must be included.
b) Duly updated passport. The information that appears in the official document is the obligatory reference to verify the legality of all documents presented by the applicant and it will be the referent to submit official documents issued by the institution.
c) Curriculum vitae (summary of your academic resume).
d) Photocopy of the career academic transcript in which he/she graduated, in the case of academic training activities, duly legalized at the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in the country of origin or residence.
e) Health certificate, obtained in a period of no more than three months before beginning the studies and legalized at the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in the country of origin or residence, proving that the applicant does not have any disease that invalidates him/her to study in our country (particularly HIV), as well as any physical or mental impairements that could disable practicing the profession to which he/she aspires. In case of women, non-pregnancy certificate is required. The infringement of this requirement implies the immediate return to the country of origin or residence applying the discount regulations established for this.
f) If during the international sanitary control to which the student is subjected to his or her arrival or afterwards, he is diagnosed with an invalidating illness or pregnancy, also implies the immediate return to his country of origin or residence, applying the discounts established.
g) Document certifying that the candidate does not have a criminal record, legalized by the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in the country of origin or residence.
h) Cuban Health Insurance. It must be purchased from the health insurance company ASISTUR and can be obtained previously or the week after arrival in Cuba. If the student already has insurance, he/she can bring it and ASISTUR will determine if it is valid and/or compatible or not with the ones offered by the company. The price of the insurance will be determined by age, sex, medical conditions, etc.
For the acquisition of the health insurance established by the Cuban state, the cost must be coordinated with the company ASISTUR, through the website: http://www.asistur.cu/.
ADDRESS: Paseo del Prado, No. 2018, between Trocadero and Colón.
E-mail: asisten@asistur.cu / asistur@asistur.cu
Tel.: (53-7) 866 4499 / 866 8920 / 866 8339 / 867 1314 / 867 1315
FAX: (53-7) 866 8087
III. Ways of Payment
Payments are made by bank transfer from abroad. Another way is online payment through the payment gateway. Cash payments are not accepted.
Online payments will be made by credit, debit or prepaid cards: VISA, MasterCard, Maestro, AMERICAN EXPRESS, ServiRed and VISA Electron.
Regardless of the fact that prices are established in US Dollars (USD), transfers cannot be made in US Dollars or from banks or branches with US capital. Therefore, the transfer must be made in Euros, Sterling or Canadian Dollars.
The bank transfer must specify the name of the student for whom the payment is intended. It must be ensured that the Cuban party receives the agreed full amount, without discounts. The expenses as a result of the bank transfers in favour of Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos, S.A. (CSMC) for the payment of the agreed academic activity will be assumed entirely by each student, so that CSMC receives the corresponding amount, free of surcharges and other discounts that may be applicable.
Patients traveling to Cuba must arrive at the airport with the medical program sent by the Coordination and Processing Center of Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos, S.A.
If the medical program is less than 30 days, they can enter the country with the Tourist Card, which can be acquired at the time the airline ticket is purchased. Most agencies that issue airline tickets to Cuba can also offer this document.
The Tourist Card can also be purchased at Cuban consulates abroad. It can be extended for another 30 days. If the total time for the treatment exceeds 60 days, the patient must apply for a medical visa through the medical assistance center where he/she is treated.
Cash payments are not accepted, they must be made by bank transfers or online payments. Transfers to Cuba cannot be made in USD.
Patients arriving in the country to receive care through medical programs that require hospitalization will be accommodated in clinics or medical centers. For those whose treatment can be performed on an outpatient basis, the Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos, S.A. (CSMC, S.A.) will offer them accommodation in the hotel of their choice.
Additionally, there are medical programs -such as surgery-in which, although the patient is discharged from the hospital, he/she must remain in the national territory, either because he/she is not yet in conditions to travel by plane or because post-surgical procedures such as the removal of sutures are pending. CSMC, S.A. offers the transfer to hotel facilities and the planning of hospital consultations.
We also offer in-out transfer services from the airport to the medical center and transfer to different institutions.
CSMC, S.A. also offers accommodation services for family members, thanks to an alliance with different hotel chains.
The insurance can be acquired previously or in the week after arrival in Cuba. If the traveler has any insurance, he/she can bring it and ASISTUR will determine if it is valid and/or compatible or not with those offered by the company.
The insurance price will be determined by age, sex, medical conditions, etc.
To obtain the health insurance established by the Cuban State, the cost must be coordinated with the company ASISTUR, through the website: http://www.asistur.cu/
ADDRESS: Paseo del Prado, No. 2018, between Trocadero and Colón.
E-mail: asisten@asistur.cu / asistur@asistur.cu
Tel.: (53-7) 866 4499 / 866 8920 / 866 8339 / 867 1314 / 867 1315.
FAX: (53-7) 866 8087.
El clima en Cuba es un clima subtropical moderado con dos estaciones bien diferenciadas. De noviembre a abril se da la estación seca, la cual es menos húmeda y algo más fresca, con un promedio de temperaturas altas de entre 21 y 28 °C y un promedio de temperaturas bajas de entre 18 y 24 °C; mientras que en los meses de verano, la temperatura media oscila alrededor de los 30 °C, con una humedad un poco mayor.
La temporada de huracanes se da entre los meses de junio y noviembre; mientras que la mayoría de las tormentas se dan principalmente entre los meses de septiembre y octubre.