Today, March 3, marks World Hearing Day, a global initiative aimed at raising awareness of the importance of preventing deafness and hearing loss, as well as promoting hearing health worldwide.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 5% of the world's population, equivalent to 430 million people, suffer from disabling hearing loss, with a need for rehabilitation that includes 34 million children. Furthermore, it is estimated that by the year 2050, this figure could exceed 700 million, affecting one in ten people.
The causes of hearing loss are diverse, but many of them can be prevented through public health strategies and clinical interventions throughout life. It is crucial to address prevention from prenatal and perinatal periods through old age. Surprisingly, almost 60% of hearing loss in children is due to preventable causes, while in adults, exposure to loud sounds and ototoxic medications are the main preventable causes.
In this context, ENT specialists play a vital role in the care and prevention of hearing-related problems. Otolaryngology, as a surgical specialty, encompasses a broad field of knowledge directly related to the prevention, rehabilitation and healing of healthy and sick individuals.
For those interested in training as otorhinolaryngologists in Cuba, a study program structured in 10 training areas, composed by modules, is offered, which are developed in a period of three years. This program is characterized by its full-time dedication, combining academic, research and management training with work experience in the health services themselves.
Those interested may contact the Coordination and Processing Center of Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos, S.A. by e-mail at
Prevention and specialized training are key in the global effort to reduce the incidence of hearing loss and ensure a better quality of life for millions of people worldwide.
By: MSc. Dra. Patricia Alonso Galbán
Specialist in Communications from CSMC, S.A.