The Ministry of Public Health of Cuba and Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos S.A., are pleased to announce the call for the International Health Tourism Award, within the framework of the II International Medical and Wellness Tourism Fair, scheduled to be held on April 21-24, 2025, at the Pabexpo fairgrounds.
The purpose of this award is to recognize and reward:
1. National or foreign medical tourism and/or wellness service institutions that have made significant contributions in any of the event's topics or in several of them, throughout their history. The response to current health challenges in Cuba and the world, as well as the social impact (local, national, international, for patients and for health professionals) will also be taken into account.
2. Travel agency, tour operator or medical facilitator with relevant results in the promotion and marketing of medical and wellness tourism under the event paradigm.
3. Official print or digital media with an outstanding history in the
promotion of medical and wellness tourism, and a proven significant international coverage.
4. Notorious or relevant personality who has made contributions to medical and wellness tourism in Cuba and internationally.
The nominations must be submitted before April 15, 2025, through the mail indicating “International Health Tourism Award”.
The results of the awarding of the different modalities will be announced at the closing of the event.
Let's promote together medical and wellness tourism in the world!
We look forward to your participation.
FITSaludCuba Organizing Committee.
Premio Internacional de Turismo de Salud de Cuba (PDF)
International Health Tourism Award (PDF)
Prix International Du Tourisme de Santé de Cuba (PDF)