Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy: A promising treatment for arteriogenic erectile dysfunction
New low-intensity shock wave therapies have proven to be very effective for vasculogenic erectile dysfunction caused by arterial damage. Learn about the experience with this treatment at the Central Clinic 'Cira García'.
10 August, 2024 by
Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy: A promising treatment for arteriogenic erectile dysfunction
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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is relatively common among men, affecting as many as one in two men between the ages of 40 and 70, with its incidence increasing with age. Various risk factors contribute to its causes, including high blood pressure, consumption of sweets and foods rich in animal fat, which lead to increased cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

These factors prevent erection by damaging small-caliber arteries, including those of the heart, brain, and those that supply blood to the penis. However, effective treatments can be indicated if a specialist is consulted in time.

A change in lifestyle, a healthy and balanced diet, maintaining an appropriate body weight, and regular physical exercise can help in recovering quality erections.

Once arterial damage in the penis is confirmed, indicated by the presence of erectile dysfunction of varying degrees of severity (mild, moderate, or severe), the quality of erections can be improved. Along with the aforementioned recommendations, combining these with medications from the family of Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors, developed in the late 20th century—such as Sildenafil (Viagra), Vardenafil (Levitra), and Tadalafil (Cialis)—can be effective in 70% of men who use them. These medications improve the ability to achieve or maintain an erection when taken approximately two hours before sexual activity.

For the group of men with severe ED who do not respond to these medications, penile prosthesis implantation is an option. These prostheses come in various types, including more affordable malleable ones and hydraulic ones (commonly known as "pumps"). Both are surgically implanted and are quite effective when performed on physically and mentally fit men, according to our experience.

However, in recent years, mainly in Europe, new therapies using Low-Intensity Shockwaves have been developed, demonstrating significant effectiveness in treating vasculogenic ED caused by arterial damage.

So, what are shockwaves?

This treatment was accepted by the European Association of Urology (EAU) in its 2013 Guidelines as a "gold standard" treatment for these patients. The therapy causes microcellular trauma, stimulating angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels in the penis), achieving recovery of erection in 60-70% of men with arteriogenic ED (smokers, diabetics, hypertensive patients, those with dyslipidemia, ischemic heart disease, etc.).

Our experience with this treatment at the "Cira García" Central Clinic since July 2015, using the MEDISPEC, Omnispec™ Model ED 1000 equipment, in over 100 patients, has shown that 60% of all patients who received "shockwave therapy" reported a substantial improvement in the quality of their erections six weeks after completing the treatment of six sessions.

This method is non-invasive and painless, and many patients have returned for additional treatment 6-12 months later. 

Advantages of Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy in ED:

  • It is an outpatient treatment.
  • Non-invasive (does not affect organs or tissues).
  • Each session lasts no more than 20 minutes.
  • Easy to use (quick learning curve).
  • Does not require anesthesia.
  • Painless. Does not require anesthesia or sedation.
  • 50-70% effectiveness in two weeks of treatment.
  • All these factors contribute to patient adherence to treatment (they do not abandon it and often wish to repeat it).  
  • All these factors contribute to patient adherence to treatment (they do not abandon it and often wish to repeat it).
  • All these factors contribute to patient adherence to treatment (they do not abandon it and often wish to repeat it).

The treatment consists of six sessions with 9000 shockwaves per patient.

Source: Dr. Ramiro Fragas Valdés, Master in Sexuality and Associate Professor at the University Hospital Commander Manuel Fajardo, Cuba. Taken from the Central American Digital Newspaper.Taken from the Central American Digital Newspaper.

Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy: A promising treatment for arteriogenic erectile dysfunction
CSMC, S.A 10 August, 2024
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