Studying Gastroenterology in Cuba: A pathway to clinical specialization
Cuba offers a meticulously designed postgraduate program to train specialists in this medical discipline, addressing everything from prevention to the rehabilitation of various acute and chronic digestive conditions.
16 July, 2024 by
Studying Gastroenterology in Cuba: A pathway to clinical specialization
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Gastroenterology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the study of the digestive system. It is a medical specialty that encompasses a broad field of knowledge. Cuba offers a meticulously designed postgraduate program to train specialists in this medical discipline, addressing everything from prevention to the rehabilitation of various acute and chronic digestive conditions.

The educational program stands out for its modular structure and the constant updating of content, reflecting a commitment to academic and professional excellence. With a duration of three years, this postgraduate course aims for comprehensive training that includes general medical care, team management, teaching, and research.

Those interested in participating in this program can contact the Coordination and Processing Center of Cuban Medical Services Commercializer, S.A., via email at

This is a unique opportunity for medical professionals seeking to specialize and contribute to the advancement of digestive health in their clinical practice.

By: MSc. Dr. Patricia Alonso Galbán
Marketing and Communication Specialist, CSMC, S.A.

Studying Gastroenterology in Cuba: A pathway to clinical specialization
CSMC, S.A 16 July, 2024
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