The International Center for Neurological Restoration (CIREN) and the Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos, S.A. are pleased to announce the V International Conference "Neurological Restoration 2024" (CIRN-2024), to be held February 21-23, 2024 in Havana, Cuba. This event commemorates the 35th anniversary of CIREN and promises to be a platform for discussion and exchange of knowledge on the latest trends in the field of neurorestoration.
The meeting will bring together experts and professionals in the neurosciences, with a focus on the restoration of nerve functions from clinical and research perspectives. This will be a unique opportunity for dialogue between professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, and specialists from different areas related to neurology and neurological restoration.
The scientific program will include symposia, keynote lectures, free topic presentations, posters and round tables. Notable invited speakers include:
- Dr. Jack P. Antel: McGill University, Canada. Researcher in Immunology, Cell Biology, Multiple Sclerosis and Immune System.
- MC. Margaret Fahnestock: University of Canada. Expert in the molecular basis of Alzheimer's disease, member of the Institute for Aging Research.
- Dr. Eduardo Barragan: Head of the Department of Neurology at the Children's Hospital of Mexico. Coordinator of the NeuroResearch Unit, DIBAGAH. BCONACYT Researcher.
Honorary, Scientific and Organizing Committees:
The event has an outstanding Honorary Committee, including Dr. José Angel Portal Miranda, Minister of Public Health of Cuba, and Dr. Tania Margarita Cruz Fernández, Vice Minister of Public Health of Cuba. In addition, the Scientific and Organizing Committee brings together experts committed to the success of the conference.
The conference will address crucial topics in the field of neurological restoration, such as:
- Neurorehabilitation: physiotherapy, physical therapy and kinesiology, defectology, occupational therapy and speech therapy.
- Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS)
- Epilepsy: from its genesis to its control. Neuroplasticity and recovery of functions
- Neurosurgery and functional surgery in movement disorders.
- Neuroplasticity and basic neurosciences. Principles, basic mechanisms and their application in restorative neurology and neurorehabilitation.
- Nursing in restorative neurology.
How to attend:
To participate in the conference, those interested should make their registrations via email cineurociren2024@smcsalud.cuto
with the subject "RN Havana 2024". Abstracts should be sent to neuromary2018@gmail.comuntil December 31, 2023, and should be presented in Times New Roman 11, justified and 1.5 spaced. They should include the title and authors in size 12 font, with the names of all participants and their e-mail addresses. Abstracts will be accepted in English and Spanish, the official languages of the event.
The V International Conference Neurological Restoration 2024 promises to be a space for learning, exchange and advancement in the field of neurorestoration. We look forward to your valuable participation in this event of international importance!
Communication Department of CSMC, S.A.