Cuba has successfully developed for more than 30 years the National Cochlear Implant Program, with priority to children with multiple disabilities, including deaf blindness.
It is a program with great international prestige due to the training of specialists, the availability of the most advanced technology, the maintenance of rehabilitation and enablement for life, as well as the integration with the family and school.
It has a multidisciplinary, inter institutional and intersectoral approach, as well as the Specialized Service of Cochlear Implant and Complex Ear Surgery.
The cochlear implant rehabilitation program lasts 29 nights and includes:
- Consultations
- Initial evaluation and preparation of Clinical History.
- Re-Consultation with specialists in Speech Therapy and Phoniatrics, Psychology.
- Research.
- Audiology research: Audiometry in free field.
- Treatment. It is carried out in a very comfortable place with hotel accommodations in an attractive natural environment.
- Speech therapy and phoniatrics. Rehabilitation of hearing and language in Cochlear Implant and hearing aids (24 days)
- Psychology. Individual psychometrics (2 days)
The program includes linguistic rehabilitation, evaluation of cognitive and language skills with standardized scales, group therapy and family counseling.
To begin treatment, you should contact the Coordination and Processing Center of Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos, S.A. at smc@smcsalud.cu. You will be sent the medical program with its costs.
It is a program with great international prestige due to the training of specialists, the availability of the most advanced technology, the maintenance of rehabilitation and enablement for life, as well as the integration with the family and school.
It has a multidisciplinary, inter institutional and intersectoral approach, as well as the Specialized Service of Cochlear Implant and Complex Ear Surgery.
The cochlear implant rehabilitation program lasts 29 nights and includes:
- Consultations
- Initial evaluation and preparation of Clinical History.
- Re-Consultation with specialists in Speech Therapy and Phoniatrics, Psychology.
- Research.
- Audiology research: Audiometry in free field.
- Treatment. It is carried out in a very comfortable place with hotel accommodations in an attractive natural environment.
- Speech therapy and phoniatrics. Rehabilitation of hearing and language in Cochlear Implant and hearing aids (24 days)
- Psychology. Individual psychometrics (2 days)
The program includes linguistic rehabilitation, evaluation of cognitive and language skills with standardized scales, group therapy and family counseling.
To begin treatment, you should contact the Coordination and Processing Center of Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos, S.A. at smc@smcsalud.cu. You will be sent the medical program with its costs.