Parkinson's disease is a degenerative brain condition associated with motor symptoms (slowness of movement, tremors, rigidity and imbalance) and other complications, such as cognitive impairment, mental disorders, sleep and pain disorders and sensory disturbances. Those who suffer from it have an opportunity for treatment in Cuba.
By means of a daring and revolutionary surgical procedure, the quality of life of patients is significantly improved. Cuba applies this treatment, unique in the world, for which it has acquired a solid reputation. We distinguish ourselves in the care of people with Parkinson's disease, for performing exclusively the surgical treatment with selective dorsolateral subthalamotomy, a more effective therapy for the disease. Our services have more than 10 years of experience in neurotransplant, there is great experience in performing stereotaxic surgical procedures (pallidotomy, thalamotomy), with more than 200 surgeries performed on people with movement disorders, with a high rate of effectiveness and tolerance.
Patients, to be submitted to these surgical treatments, must be selected taking into account several factors such as: stage of the disease, disabling symptoms, response to pharmacological treatment, age, etc. All cases must first be evaluated by our multidisciplinary team of specialists to determine whether they have criteria for treatment, and then they will be evaluated during a first week to define the most appropriate therapeutic conduct. It is an essential requirement that patients travel with a companion.
Pharmacological and surgical treatments mitigate the symptoms of the disease. In addition, patients partially recover their functions and significantly improve their quality of life through rehabilitation therapies.
To begin treatment, you should contact the Coordination and Processing Center of Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos, S.A. at smc@smcsalud.cu . You will be sent the medical program with its costs.
By means of a daring and revolutionary surgical procedure, the quality of life of patients is significantly improved. Cuba applies this treatment, unique in the world, for which it has acquired a solid reputation. We distinguish ourselves in the care of people with Parkinson's disease, for performing exclusively the surgical treatment with selective dorsolateral subthalamotomy, a more effective therapy for the disease. Our services have more than 10 years of experience in neurotransplant, there is great experience in performing stereotaxic surgical procedures (pallidotomy, thalamotomy), with more than 200 surgeries performed on people with movement disorders, with a high rate of effectiveness and tolerance.
Patients, to be submitted to these surgical treatments, must be selected taking into account several factors such as: stage of the disease, disabling symptoms, response to pharmacological treatment, age, etc. All cases must first be evaluated by our multidisciplinary team of specialists to determine whether they have criteria for treatment, and then they will be evaluated during a first week to define the most appropriate therapeutic conduct. It is an essential requirement that patients travel with a companion.
Pharmacological and surgical treatments mitigate the symptoms of the disease. In addition, patients partially recover their functions and significantly improve their quality of life through rehabilitation therapies.
To begin treatment, you should contact the Coordination and Processing Center of Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos, S.A. at smc@smcsalud.cu . You will be sent the medical program with its costs.